A critical part of the White water Creek Conservation Association is education: "Support educational endeavors that will benefit the mission of the WCCA" is part of our mission statement. For many years, we have awarded scholarships to deserving WCCA members to assist in their pursuit of higher education. We can all take great pride in our past scholarship recipients and their accomplishments:
Year Name Institution Follow-up
1995 Elizabeth Arguelles Cornell Grad - working in NY
1996 Tony Rommel WWU Unknown
1997 David Arguelles MIT Grad - engineer in VA
1997 Holly Weathers Stanford Grad - Boeing employ.
2000 Sara Horning WWU Student (Senior)
2000 Kirsten Lain-Orr UofW Student (Senior)
2000 Arlyn Curtis Peabody Conservatory Grad - pursuing music
2002 Reid Spolek Northwestern Student (Soph.)
2003 Wes Hardy Bellevue Comm. College Student (Freshman)
2003 Jesse Denham Cal Poly Student (Freshman)
2003 Forrest Schaad WSU Student (Freshman)
Last year, the WCCA decided to expand its scholarship program by establishing the WCCA Scholarship Fund. Set aside from other WCCA business, this fund will be used exclusively to support educational activities. Our first step, then, is to grow this fund into an endowment which insures a solid and long-lasting investment back into our WCCA mission. Already, members have committed generously to start this fund. If each of us makes a commitment to this wonderful opportunity, we will reach our full endowment in nothing flat. So, as part of you yearly donations, give a tax-deductible gift to yourself and your family through the WCCA.

Please make your check payable to:
WCCA Scholarship Fund and send it to the Doug Schaad, WCCA Executive Director, 5020 38th Ave NE, Seattle WA 98105-3023.

Thank you for your generosity. Happy New Year!

Graig Spolek